
Friday 26 February 2010

Exclusive in-depth and personal interview with Robert Harvey - The Music

Over the past five months I have been building up a lot of respect for Robert Michael Nelson Harvey aka The Music's front man, so I was delighted when he agreed to do an interview exclusively for Like The Sound. I really appreciated his time and honesty.
Read on to find out how Robert has been learning and progressing since the album "Strength In Numbers"

Addolorata : Hello Robert, how are you feeling today?

Robert Harvey : today is a good day thank you.

Addolorata : Energy, self control and power of the mind seem important elements of your daily life, tell me more?

Robert Harvey : well my beliefs are, that we are all just energy. Space held together by energy. Self control is something that I believe is important for me as I grow into a man. A family and a safe environment at home is essential in my mind. Martial arts, music and fitness rule my days and I read and educate myself where I can.

Addolorata : It is important to live life outside of the box isn't it?. Is this something you manage to do? and how?

Robert Harvey : I think everyone is different and for us all to co-exist we have laws and social infrastructure to help us live collectively. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in doing things that were and are beyond what seems realistic. I think its who I am. Every time I make a phone call or go on the internet or turn a light on or drive a car, I become aware of how amazing it is to do those things. During the creation of these life changing things, I wonder if the inventors actually thought it was unrealistic?! For me there is no box. What is key, is to be ones self and express from the heart.

Addolorata : What motivates you these days?

Robert Harvey : my family, my new nephew and most importantly my life itself. While ever I'm aware of my being alive, I want to do great and positive things for myself and others around me.

Addolorata : What music have you been listening to?

Robert Harvey : I don't listen to a great deal really. Wu tang clan, Bruce Springsteen, not much else.

Addolorata : What book are reading? Is it good? Was it a gift or did you buy it?

Robert Harvey : I'm reading 3 books at the moment, NLP for dummies which was a gift and is amazing. Also, The Inner Game Of Golf and The Inner Game Of Tennis. Which are mind blowing. If anyone wants to achieve there potential or quieten the head noise, these books are great.

Addolorata : You seem strong willed to deal with the things that have happened in your life, predominantly, in publicly admitting to drug addiction in your teens, of which you fought, followed by alcohol addiction and depression, none of which are easy to climb out of, but you have done. What did you draw strength from during the most difficult of times?

Robert Harvey : I stopped and looked around. I have a wonderful family and job. For so many years I have suffered from anxiety. I used drugs and alcohol to deal with something that I didn't understand. Psychological problems are a taboo in this country for most of us. I thought I had a serious problem. I accepted I needed help and got the tools to deal with who I am. I still have bad days where I don't feel right, but I just move through them. To be perfectly honest there is nothing to be scared of. I was worried about getting old and not finding love or being alone or dying. But the truth is happening right now. I can sit and worry about those things for as long as I like. But it is right now that is important and smiling : )

Addolorata : Are you on any medication now?

Robert Harvey : I've been off medication for almost 2 years. They were the hardest drugs of all to be on and to get off.

Addolorata : Do you ever drink alcohol nowadays?

Robert Harvey : I don't drink. I don't need it. I have clear goals and drink doesn't come into what I want from my life. I'd like to think one day I could have a drink of wine with a meal.

Addolorata : Do you agree that it is really important to just switch off from being creative from time-to-time in order to recharge yourself?

Robert Harvey : Yes and no. I have lots of energy and need to stay engaged. I try to avoid going inside myself and forgetting the outside world. Chi gong and martial arts are my release and allow me to centre myself.

Addolorata : Since the album "Strength In Numbers", what have you been doing?

Robert Harvey : writing, reading, talking, learning and living.

Addolorata : Several months back you was rocking out with Mike Skinner AKA The Streets, was you helping him with his vocals? Tell me more?

Robert Harvey : mike invited me to go down to a The Streets session to try some vocals on a few things. We jammed and chatted about things. It was a pleasure and I learnt so much from who I believe is a great man and Artist. The new album sounds great from the things I've heard.

Addolorata : You and Mike have been friends for some time now, how did you first meet?

Robert Harvey : we are both managed by coalition. We met about 8 years ago. We were in very different places then but now I feel like we have much more in common and I enjoyed being involved.

Addolorata : In your opinion, what do you think is Mike Skinners finest, most intelligent album to date?

Robert Harvey : as I write music myself I see how people go through different periods in their lives and create through those times. I can look past hype and initial excitement of an artist and try and see what he or she is going through. Knowing Mike a little I saw him trying to express himself honestly. For me to pass judgement would be a mistake. But when I think back to first hearing 'Let's push things forward' I remember a feeling of hope and a knowing that this was something great. It is great.

Addolorata : Push Things Forward is great, I agree. For me, Everything is borrowed - it's a heroic album of deep, intelligent proportions. Now, I know you have been writing new songs recently, are they coming along good? Are you happy with them?

Robert Harvey : the Music are creating great vibes and tunes. Hope to have something by the end of the year.

Addolorata : What is the drive and inspiration behind the new songs so far?

Robert Harvey : its quite simple from my point of view. Learning new things helps me see life from different angles. We have been a band for almost 11 years. Its reached a point where we enjoy trying new things. I think our inspiration is to release something great but also different from our previous work. Life itself is the driving force.

Addolorata : Which of the new songs mean the most to you and why?

Robert Harvey : hard to say yet. My aim is to not become so attached to the songs until they are making me feel good through the ears.

Addolorata : What are you hoping to achieve in 2010?

Robert Harvey : I want to release a 4th Album with The Music that has meaning and sounds great on the dance floor. I'd also love to write and record with and for other people.

Addolorata : Yes, I know you are still only young, but have you thought about writing your autobiography yet?

Robert Harvey : I'll be honest, I don't think my life is or has been that interesting for me to right an autobiography. I don't take myself that seriously. Maybe if I become a huge star one day. But not many people know me or The Music.

Addolorata : What is the most important piece of advice anyone has ever given you?

Robert Harvey : Every man today is the result of his thoughts of yesterday. Bruce Lee.

Addolorata : Will you be touring this year?

Robert Harvey : we are hoping to tour this year but its hard to know when until the record is nearly done.

Addolorata : If you had been born any species other than human, what do you think you might have been?
Robert Harvey : I like the idea of being able to fly so maybe a bird.

Addolorata : Thank you for your time Robert.

Keep up with The Music - here


  1. i got a lot of respect for robert, even more so after reading that interview.


  2. I have to say I have had the pleasure of meeting this man in Stirling after a small gig at the Albert Hall, I told him then that he inspired me to write music and I still feel like that now.

    It is hard to find a band that have no bad songs but in my mind The Music have not produced a song that I do not enjoy.

    Rob is an inspiration to any young musician and I hope to get to another gig soon!


  3. This band should be huge! People need to wake up!

  4. The Music could/can be huge. But i'm glad that they're not. I like dancing at the front of their gigs see =) Words could never describe the feelings inside the music gives me.

  5. Agree with everything that's been said here. No matter where I've been in life or what's been going on, The Music have always been there. Can't wait to hear the new material, much love Rob.

  6. having seen the music on quite a few occassions over the years, still think back to the lecorum gig at barnsley, a few years back, what a night, the roof was been blown off by the music.
    easily in the top 3 bands i have seen live, still got time to be fully appreciated by a bigger following.

  7. would be nice to hear summat new


  8. I've just discovered The Music - reminds me of a 1969 Robert Plant - fantastic


  10. I saw the music live a few years ago.. Out of every single album song and every single b-side.. idk what to say other than for 4-5 years i've listening to at least one of their songs at least once a week. No other band has met that number for me. Yes, that is a complement.. the best you can get :)

  11. Lovely inspirational guy met him recently, a warm soul indeed, would love to see him sing live one day

  12. What i want to know is what changed Robert? i would like to hear the story of what the fuck changed?
    he is an inspiration though, has been part of the best band i have come across, and so too he seems a good guy.

  13. conocí a THE MUSIC en el 2003 cuando tenia unos 17 y 18 años de edad. los volví a escuchar hace poco y siempre me gustaron !!! son una muy buena banda!!! un estilo de música que en argentina no suele haber. ojalá vuelvan a juntarse y tocar algún día en nuestro país.

  14. alguien sabe como puedo descargar la discografia completa de the music ???

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