
Wednesday 28 March 2012

Books: The Story Of The Streets by Mike Skinner - Out now!

Books: The Story Of The Streets by Mike Skinner

The long awaited memoirs of Mike Skinner is out today. After carefully removing the Amazon packaging I was thrilled by the quality of the book. The dustcover is pure white with the famous The Streets clipper lighter blazoned across the front between the title The Story Of The Streets - the title alone sets a wave of excitement and if you are a hardcore Streets fan you are already guessing knowledgeably of the tales that are bound to be hiding within these pages.

The inside leaf of the jacket has an early black and white photo of Mike Skinner, looking very young, wide-eyed and unintentionally innocent - remarkably much as he still looks today!

The dustcover feels peachy - you want to keep stroking it as you chat about the subject matter in hand. Beneath the the dustcover is the hardback, revealing a black and white photograph by Rod Doyle covering from front to back of Mike Skinner crowd surfing amongst a sea of adoring arms and helping hands reaching out to touch, pull and push.

'This book is going to try and get as close as possible to the full story of what informed the noise of "The Streets". Obviously that's something I should be fairly well-qualified to know about, and I'm going to be as honest as the publisher's lawyers will allow.' ...

The adjoining first two pages are bright red. The pages feel lovely! good quality with a smooth grain in an off-white that I find easy on the eyes.

Unsure-at-first weather to include any photographs in his book, it was Mike Skinner's wife Claire, who persuaded him to do so and completed his buyers pleasure with a collection of treasurable photo's from his childhood to the present day. Given that they say  "One Picture is Worth Ten Thousand Words" you'll understand how essential it was to share these moments from the rise and rise of Mike Skinner to The Story of The Streets.

Today, Mike Skinner wrote on his blog "ladies and gents please meet Mr Ben Thompson. the nick cage of the self written story book. the ghost rider. without him this thing would be shit and full of chapters about microphones. aswell as long passages of hate filled sputum on losing pairs of glasses down the back of a TV. hope you enjoy our work"

                                                   Photo courtesy of

This is not a review of the book, that will be done when I have read it in full, this is mearely a teaser and with that I must add, Mr Skinner's wife is one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen!

Thank you to all involved for a book that really feels worth owning in your hands and the facsinating photo collection with detailed descriptions with each picture. Now I'm going to sit back and begin reading my beloved edition of Mike Skinner's The Story Of The Streets.

Available at all good book stores now - including at - The Story Of The Streets

Bantam Books (Transworld Publishers a division of the Random House Group)

ISBN: 9780593068076


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